About us

We Are Here To Help

We envision a climate for Mental Well Being in Richmond that is a model for the rest of the state. In this climate we are a community that recognizes mental health as an essential part of overall well-being. We understand that mental illness, like physical illness, is a medically treatable condition, it can develop in anyone, it is preventable, and those who experience mental illness can return to good health. As a result, there is no room for stigma at PRIE. Our portfolio of services, providers, treatment modalities and overall competency continuously evolves to meet the changing needs and priorities of the Members we serve.

Our Service

We Provide Solutions For You

Substance Abuse
Partial Hospitalization

Partial Hospitalization (PH) is a short-term service for adults which provides a broad range of intensive


P.R.I.E. Behavioral Health, LLC provides medication management treatment for individuals with substanc


P.R.I.E. Behavioral Health, LLC provides both individual and group counseling services to our patients.

Substance Abuse
Partial Hospitalization

Partial Hospitalization (PH) is a short-term service for adults which provides a broad range of intensive

StART feeling happier

With Our Extensive Support, Discover Your Strengths And Build Resiliency.

When seeking treatment for your mental health or substance abuse problem, it can be a cumbersome and scary journey to navigate alone. We are here to help! P.R.I.E. is a no-judgment zone where you can .


What Patients Say

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-Emma Morrison

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